3 Books You Must Read to Change Your Life

Best 3 books that changed my life.

If you want to change your financial life too, here are the 3 of The Most Powerful Book In The World to Change Your Life if you read and implement them.



1) Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill:

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Here’s a summary of the book Think and Grow Rich:

  • Key Principles:
    • Desire: Cultivate a burning desire to achieve your goals.
    • Faith: Develop unwavering faith in your ability to succeed.
    • Autosuggestion: Use positive affirmations to influence your subconscious mind.
    • Specialized Knowledge: Acquire specialized knowledge relevant to your goals.
    • Imagination: Cultivate creative thinking and visualize your success.
    • Organized Planning: Develop a clear and detailed plan for achieving your objectives.
    • Decision: Make prompt and firm decisions.
    • Persistence: Persevere through challenges and setbacks.
    • The Mastermind: Surround yourself with a supportive network of individuals who share your goals.
  • Money and Success:
    • Understand the relationship between your thoughts and financial success.
    • Emphasizes the power of thoughts and beliefs in attracting wealth.
    • Encourages the reader to believe in their ability to amass wealth.
  • Affordability and Accessibility:
    • Seek low-cost or free resources to acquire knowledge.
    • Emphasizes the value of personal development through affordable means.
    • Encourages readers to invest time and effort rather than focusing solely on monetary expenses.
  • Action-Oriented:
    • Advocates taking immediate, consistent, and decisive action.
    • Stresses the importance of turning thoughts into practical actions.
  • Personal Responsibility:
    • Promotes the idea that individuals are responsible for their success or failure.
    • Encourages a proactive mindset in pursuing goals.
  • Universal Principles:
    • The principles outlined apply to various aspects of life, not just financial success.
    • Teaches life skills that go beyond the pursuit of wealth.
  • Enduring Wisdom:
    • A timeless guide that continues to be relevant across generations.
    • Offers insights into the psychology of success and wealth accumulation.
  • Value for Money:
    • Emphasizes the importance of deriving value from every investment, including the cost of books.
    • Suggests that the knowledge gained should far exceed the monetary expense.



2) RICH DAD POOR DAD by Robert Kiyosaki: 

books to read when you feel lost

  • Contrasting Philosophies:
    • Rich Dad: Emphasizes financial education, investing, and entrepreneurship.
    • Poor Dad: Advocates traditional education, job security, and frugality.
  • Asset vs. Liability:
    • Rich Dad: Encourages acquiring assets that generate income.
    • Poor Dad: Focuses on avoiding liabilities and minimizing expenses.
  • Importance of Financial Education:
    • Rich Dad: Stresses the need for financial literacy and understanding how money works.
    • Poor Dad: Believes in job security and a steady paycheck.
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset:
    • Rich Dad: Values entrepreneurship and creating income-generating opportunities.
    • Poor Dad: Prioritizes job stability and a regular salary.
  • Investing for Wealth:
    • Rich Dad: Advocates strategic and informed investing for long-term wealth.
    • Poor Dad: Prefers saving money and avoiding risks.
  • Mindset Shifts:
    • Encourages readers to challenge traditional beliefs about money and success.
    • Urges a shift from being an employee to thinking like an entrepreneur.
  • Making Money Work for You:
    • Promotes the idea of making money work for you rather than working for money.
    • Discusses the power of passive income and building wealth through investments.
  • Financial Independence:
    • Highlights the goal of achieving financial independence and escaping the “rat race.”
    • Encourages breaking free from the cycle of relying solely on earned income.
  • Accessible Wisdom:
    • Offers practical advice suitable for individuals at various income levels.
    • Encourages readers to take actionable steps toward financial improvement.
  • Value for Money:
    • Emphasizes the importance of investing in one’s financial education.
    • Suggests that the knowledge gained can have a lasting impact on financial decisions.
  • Practical Examples:
    • Illustrates concepts through real-life anecdotes and examples.
    • Makes financial principles accessible and relatable to a wide audience.



3) Secrets of Millionaire Mind by T.Harv Ecker:

the most powerful book in the world

Here’s what the Secrets of Millionaire Mind book’s summary is:

  • Wealth Blueprint:
    • Introduces the concept of a “Wealth Blueprint” that shapes one’s financial success.
    • Emphasizes that thoughts and beliefs about money influence financial outcomes.
  • Rich vs. Poor Mindset:
    • Describes the differences between the mindset of wealthy individuals and those with limited financial success.
    • Encourages readers to adopt a mindset that aligns with financial abundance.
  • Financial Thermostat:
    • Introduces the idea of a “financial thermostat” that determines one’s comfort level with wealth.
    • Advocates resetting this internal thermostat for increased financial success.
  • Money Management Skills:
    • Highlights the importance of effective money management skills.
    • Advocates budgeting, saving, and investing wisely.
  • Power of Affirmations:
    • Promotes the use of positive affirmations to reshape thinking about money.
    • Encourages the development of empowering beliefs around wealth.
  • Action-Oriented Approach:
    • Advocates taking proactive steps towards financial goals.
    • Emphasizes the significance of consistent and purposeful actions.
  • Financial Education:
    • Stresses the importance of continuous financial education.
    • Encourages learning about money, investing, and wealth-building strategies.
  • Mastering the Inner Game:
    • Focuses on the internal aspects of wealth creation, addressing fears and limiting beliefs.
    • Promotes a holistic approach to financial success, including emotional and psychological aspects.
  • Creating Multiple Income Streams:
    • Encourages diversifying income sources for increased financial security.
    • Discusses the benefits of creating passive income streams.
  • Mind-Body Connection:
    • Explores the connection between mental and physical well-being and financial success.
    • Advocates maintaining a healthy balance in various aspects of life.
  • Accessible Wisdom:
    • Presents financial principles in an accessible and relatable manner.
    • Offers practical strategies for individuals at different stages of their financial journey.
  • Value for Money:
    • Suggests that the investment in personal development and financial education pays long-term dividends.
    • Encourages readers to view the book as a valuable resource for personal growth.


Don’t forget, your financial freedom is in your hands.

Because you cannot be financially free without reading these. So read them now.